Conference Special Issue

2017 NIZO Dairy Conference Special Issue of International Dairy Journal

Selected, refereed papers from the 2017 NIZO Dairy Conference will be published in a special issue of the International Dairy Journal. Oral and poster presenters at the conference are invited to submit full manuscripts for consideration for inclusion in the special issue. All manuscripts will be subject to the normal process of peer review. All papers submitted and accepted for the NIZO Conference Special Issue will be published in the next available issue of the International Dairy Journal and also become part of a virtual special issue; publication times on acceptance will be significantly improved over past special issues.  Please note that acceptance of an abstract in the symposium programme does not imply acceptance of an accompanying paper for publication in the IDJ special issue. Manuscripts should be submitted by 15 November 2017.

Your manuscript must be prepared according to the journal's Guide for Authors, which can be found on the journal web page at

Detailed information on the journal, including its Aims and Scope, is also available on the web page. Manuscripts for the special issue must be submitted online, using Elsevier's electronic submission system (EES), at, starting from 1 September 2017.

Please do not attempt to submit your paper prior to this date. When submitting your paper, select article type “NIZO Conference 2017” when prompted in EES. NB – please do not send manuscripts to the conference secretariat address.

Please click HERE for free access to the IDJ special issue of papers from the 2015 conference

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