
PPB Technology


PPB Technology’s award-winning CYBERTONGUE® Technology is a revolutionary food testing system. It uses shelf stable molecular biosensors, in concert with a user-friendly device, to measure the quality and safety of food. Food processors use CYBERTONGUE® Technology to analyse samples on site in minutes, instead of sending them to an external laboratory and waiting days for a result. CYBERTONGUE® allows processors to improve food quality and safety, reduce waste and increase product shelf-life.

CYBERTONGUE® biosensors are based on bioluminescence resonance energy transfer and are engineered to respond to specific analytes, allowing CYBERTONGUE® to bridge the gap between the sensitivity and accuracy of traditional lab-based testing and everyday people. CYBERTONGUE® introduces the first new transduction technology in point-of-need diagnostics in 50 years and will dramatically accelerate food industry QC procedures.

PPB Tech’s first products are targetted to measure spoilage proteases in raw milk, cream and milk fractions. A second test measures trace levels of lactose in coloured, flavoured and thickened dairy products.

CYBERTONGUE® Technology is currently being sold in Australia and New Zealand and plans are afoot to enter European markets.

Originally developed by Australia’s National Research Agency, the CSIRO, CYBERTONGUE® Technology is protected by five patent families.

For more information visit: www.ppbtechnology.com.au or email stephen.trowell@ppbtechnology.com.au

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